

Datummaandag 6 maart 2023 t/m zondag 12 maart 2023


This year we will go with 25 Msc students on a trip to ... Porto🌞🌞! We will visit companies, enjoy the culture and of course have a lot of fun together. This will be the official application form for the IBT(Binding form). There will be a chance that there are too many applications, for that it means that a place cannot be promised until further notice. 😎

The IBT will take place from 6-11 March in 2023. The price will be around 300 euros (this includes flight, hostel, some activities, a dinner, ...). 🍺✈️

On the 6th of March we will visit companies in the Netherlands and the 7th of March we take the plane in the morning to Porto! 

You can subscribe here!

Hope to see you there!

